Furuno FE800 Echosounder is an echosounder that meets the specific requirements for alerts and interconnection with Bridge Alert Management in IMO MSC.302 (87) and displays the clearance below the ship in the dual-frequency operation.
The FE800 displays the clearance below the ship in dual-frequency operation when interfaced with two transducers.
The FE800 generates alerts when the water depth below transducer is shallower than a preset depth. When the seabed is lost due to the lowered power supply or out of range scale, an alert is generated.
Own Ship Data
View your Own Ship Data (OS Data) when the FE800 is connected to an external GPS Navigator.
Display a combination of Contour and Strata echo readings in preset intervals of 5 seconds, 1 minute or 2 minutes.
Display the stored time, depth and own ship position. The logbook is capable of storing data for up to 720 log entries.
Alert Log List
Displays up to 100 alerts stored in history.